Dungeon & Fetish Suite in Milton keynes

House Rules

opening times

Monday – Friday: 10.30 am – 8pm

Saturday & Sunday: 12pm – 6pm

House guidelines

Required booking fee

A Booking Fee of 50% of the total is required to make the booking a confirmed booking, we generously allow up to 48 hours after the booking has been made to pay that, if not received in that time the appointment is removed.

We don’t and won’t chase you!

The Booking Fee is not refundable unless you give a full 72 hours notice.


There is nothing hidden here at Fallen Angel Studio, if it is in the dungeon then you are free to use it, the only exception is the milker, if you have a milker and can use one then that also is included, if you are not experienced, it is an awesome but complex machine and not something we could teach you in five minutes pre session.

With each appointment we allow you 15 minutes before your time starts to set up, and again at the end 15 minutes to clear up.


Not included

Your hire charge does not include any consumables ie:- gloves, condoms, lube, needles, first aid items, it is your responsability to provide those for yourself.


Bank Details:- Mr A. Cook, HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-10-02 Account Number 62255391

PayPal Address:- tonyessentia@outlook.com


If you break a cane or the like please don’t just put it back without saying, it happens! No Drama, no charge….

If there is any damage due to misuse then we will charge you at cost

Guide Lines

The Studio welcomes everyone, be they a private players or a professional, the key for everyone is discetion, we expect you to turn up in civvies not full on fetish dress, we have neighbours and we really don’t like to embarras them.

The Studio has lot’s of sound proofing but it is an industrial building so it is not fully sound proof, you know if you are a noisy player, please please do not knowing you are a noisy type turn up for an appointment on a weekeday within business hours, it is never a nice experience for any involved when a session has to be stopped and someone asked to leave.

If you feel you are or might be noisy,  be honest and we can accomodate you in the evenings or at the weekend with no problem.

Cleaning Up

We don’t expect you to spring clean when finished, however leaving it tidy and wiping down equipment you have used, bodily fluids etc is an expectation not a request, there are ample cleaning solutions provided and we do allow free of charge 15 minutes at the end to straighten yourself and the dungeon out, please don’t be dirty you won’t be welcome back!

Just Ask

We allow an amount of time to set up, in that time if there is something you wish to use but do not know how to or are a little unsure of, please ask, we are always on hand to advise, if you don’t ask the responsability is with you. No questions would mean to us that you know what you are doing!

Friends of Fallen angel

Monday - Friday : 10.30am - 8pm

​Saturday & Sunday : 12pm - 6pm


Mon – Fri: 7am – 10pm
​​Saturday: 8am – 10pm
​Sunday: 8am – 11pm

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