Dungeon & Fetish Suite in Milton keynes
Hire Prices
opening times
Monday – Friday: 10.30 am – 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12pm – 6pm
hire prices
Hire Per Hour
Based on two people, £50.00 per hour
How to pay
Bank Details:- Mr A. Cook, HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-10-02 Account Number 62255391
PayPal Address:- tonyessentia@outlook.com
If you’d rather no paper trail and book far enough in advance we will accept cash via Special delivery once we know you!
Minimum Booking
2 hours is the minimum booking
Maximum at one time
For safety reasons we like to keep the maximum number at one time to 4.
Filming Rates
Filming is better arranged on weekends due to noise levels, drop us an email and we will offer a price according to your wants on the day.
Full day
Drop us a message and we’ll offer a price according to your needs.
A 2 hour booking with DominaSara as the teacher, 30 years in the scene living a full time 24/7/365 female led relationship, 20 plus as a ProDom, whatever you’d like to learn she will have the knowledge. £400.00 inclusive.
collaring ceremonies
A structured, certificated, witnessed service, followed by a 2 hour Dungeon time to consumate and cement the relationship, you tell us what you want and we’ll offer you a price according to your needs.
Friends of Fallen angel
Monday - Friday : 10.30am - 8pm
Saturday & Sunday : 12pm - 6pm